
When my Heart Stopped…

It’s been 16 years since I was without a heartbeat for 9 minutes.  After 7 electrical shocks, a beat returned.  In ICU, in a coma-state, I saw & felt the angels unconditional love and protection.  From ICU to weeks in a hospital room, the angels were with me again.  The seven years of recovery were transformative.

That time in God’s Angelic presence set me on a trajectory to seek God daily in my meditations, on my walks, in other souls… everywhere.  But it is in the stillness of meditation, “Be still and know that I am God”, Psalm 46:10, that the ‘inner peace’, the first sign of God’s presence is realized… then joy, calmness, bliss.

During my 7 year recovery striving to make that 1/8 mile arduous climb from our canyon home to the hill-top park, words for ‘Cocoon’ prayer began streaming through me; not of me.

A Cocoon of Love
A cocoon of Golden Silken thread
Encircles me from my toes to my head
With an opening to the Heavens above
I am bathed in all Your Love
Washing in me and through me
On beams of Golden Light
Spreading love and joy
To all in sight

Know that you are never alone… the ‘unseen’ ones: angels, spirit guides are always with us and they do not care what name we call them.

Miracles happen every day.

“To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven…” Ecclesiastes 3:1

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