New arrivals, best sellers & Pregnancy Meology & Prenatal Set
I am very pleased with the new arrivals… especially in the skin & lip line and ecstatic about a Prenatal Set . . .
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I am very pleased with the new arrivals… especially in the skin & lip line and ecstatic about a Prenatal Set . . .
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Thank you for being in my Shaklee Family. We are entering our 44th year in Shaklee. We have grown together, laughed together and sometimes cried together. We share a love for health… our physical health, our emotional & mental health, our environmental health. Just by using the Shaklee products, we our making a positive contribution…
This summer I have some wonderful health news to share with you. My desire is that it will bring hope to others. For those not familiar with my medical history: in 2007, I had a SCA (sudden cardia arrest) and NDE (near death experience). My heart stopped for 9 minutes and after 7 electrical shocks,…
Reflecting back through this past year, which obstacles, challenges or opportunities in disguise presented themselves to you? For Terry & I we reflected on our four moves in four years. Pretty ridiculous, huh? So, we thought we’d do it one more time to make it five moves. But…this last move will be into our single-level…